
I did the Stars Wars coding and it was really fun because you got to play as bb8 and R2D2,the 2 robots and when you get to the end you get to create your own game and changed the meaning and you got to pick your character and how fast you go.When you create your game you can crash it.



I give this coding a 10.

Revolutionary Battle

It is Saturday October 7,1780,it is -22 degrees outside it is very

There is a battle going on right now.There are two sides the  United States and the British.This battle is very very intense.The British commander here is Patrick Ferguson,the United States Captains are William Cambell ,James Jhonston,and John Sevier.The battle was just now finished United States won! British had four hundred fifty three casualties,and United States came out with 87 casualties what a relief. It was an important battle for the Americans because this was their turning point.The Americans showing their lethal marksman skills.With how much more troops the British had that was really lucky battle for the Amercans

Colonial Life

  1. If I was in a colonial time I would be a Tanner.A Tanner made hide in to leather,and the process is a long,smelly,and hard job.Being a Tanner wasn’t a nice job to work at.When a Tanner got a hide he put the initials on them.They soaked the hides in a put called a vat,and were in rows for the Tanner to walk. The pits were underground.The hides that were heavier were soaked,stirred,and washed,with  pits that has a stronger ooze,a mixture of certain barks from certain trees.Black Oak and Hemlock trees have tannins in  bark that is used to cure leather from rotting.A good Tanner knew when it was finished by touch.When the leather was almost done it was called currying.

Jamestown or Plymouth

I choose Plymouth because I’d worship God and die, then getting wealthy and living.Plus I,d rather get killed quickly then getting killed slowly like a disease or starvation or something like that.I am a Christian and I am saved so I know I would go to a better place. I’d rather die with my family than without my family.I would like to be called a puritan because I think it means I am a Christian not  devil   worshiper.

Nine Eleven Reflections

Nine Eleven, was a sad day terrorists attacked the twin towers in Manhattan.There were 4 planes and 4 terrorist and it all happened within an hour. Two planes hit the twin towers,1 plane hit the pentagon,and the third plane hit in a Pennsylvania field because of a brave person that spilled hot coffee on them and killed them and then took over the plane because he knew he was gonna die anyway so. About 160 people died,so about 40 people in each plane.