Child Labor

I think should not have to work. I didn’t know that kids had to work for companies that is sad because some of the kids lost a body part.They also had to give up all of their money for rent,a lot of the boys worked at the boys worked at a coal place, some of the boys got sucked in and suffered and when they were twelve they went to work in a coal mine.Many of them died from the top of the mine.The girls worked in mill factory’s and got their hand broken in the machine. That’s what I think about child labor.

The Judicial Branch

I want to be a part of the Judicial Branch because you get to learn something new everyday and you get to tell what a law is about and because you have the same power as the Executive Branch and the Legislative branch,you also get to meet the President.I would also get to explain the constitution I would also get to stay as long as I want, also I would be part of the highest court in the land.The supreme courts laws cannot be questioned, in other words nobody can change it,also no other court can change it. The supreme court sets precedents-new ways to interpreting laws.

Amendment Seven

American Laws

Many parts

English Laws

Not Been the subject

Discrimination is wrong based on peoples race

Minimum of six members for jury

Every state voluntarily  complies

Never been incorperated

Threshold is twenty dollars


Straight forward

Early version introduced in 1789


Established the historical test

Necessary in a Civil Unit

Final Project

Hessian’s is a term for 30000 German soldiers hired by the British. They were mainly out of a German country called Hesse-Cassel, German states also saw action in America.

Hesse-Cassel took in an amount equal to about 13 years worth of tax revenue.Military needs dominated the country.

Life in the Hessian army was harsh,and punishments were brutal.Officers are well educated,and promotion was by merit.There was a promise of gold.

3000 Hessian’s decided to make America their new home after war,and the Hessian’s did not want to go back to Europe.

Around Christmas time they shared a Christmas drink,with their former foes.





I did the Stars Wars coding and it was really fun because you got to play as bb8 and R2D2,the 2 robots and when you get to the end you get to create your own game and changed the meaning and you got to pick your character and how fast you go.When you create your game you can crash it.



I give this coding a 10.

Revolutionary Battle

It is Saturday October 7,1780,it is -22 degrees outside it is very

There is a battle going on right now.There are two sides the  United States and the British.This battle is very very intense.The British commander here is Patrick Ferguson,the United States Captains are William Cambell ,James Jhonston,and John Sevier.The battle was just now finished United States won! British had four hundred fifty three casualties,and United States came out with 87 casualties what a relief. It was an important battle for the Americans because this was their turning point.The Americans showing their lethal marksman skills.With how much more troops the British had that was really lucky battle for the Amercans